The “Educational Farms” project

There Estate of the Angels joins the project "Educational Farms” promoted by the Agriculture, Hunting and Fishing Department of the province of Bergamo and is included in the circuit of educational farms in the Lombardy Region, where schools, families and all citizens can discover the rural environment, the origin of food and processing techniques of typical products.
This project has an important educational value and is a very effective tool for making new generations aware of the importance of the work of the farmer, "guardian" of the environmental riches of the territory. Direct contact with the rural world can arouse strong emotions in young people and help develop greater knowledge of local resources, seasonality and direct knowledge of the production cycle of many foods, rediscovering the path from land to table; keeping alive a rich cultural heritage made up of local traditions, good flavours, respect for the environment and great friendliness.

Objectives of the Visit:

  • Learn about the hill environment, the vineyard and the microclimate
  • Learn about the history, evolutionary and vegetative process of the vine.
  • Convey the meaning and importance of human work while respecting the environment
  • From grapes to wine: learning the process of winemaking, sparkling wine and wine aging
  • Know the importance of the shape of the glasses in order to best taste the wine.
  • Develop concepts of botany, biology and correct nutrition
  • Learn the process of winemaking, sparkling wine and aging of the "Balsamo degli Angeli" (food condiment)
  • Recognize medicinal herbs to understand their importance and to know the beneficial properties that derive from them

Proposed educational activities:

  • Visit to the vineyards: the structure of the plant, the vegetative cycle, the most risky diseases for the vine, the work of man in the vineyard. Harvesting and pressing of grapes (September and October)
  • Visit to the cellar: from the grapes to the wine, the machinery, the barrels and the techniques used for winemaking and sparkling wine. The techniques of bottling and packaging a bottle of wine (practical test)
  • Visit to the vinegar factory in the company's attic and to the small chemical laboratory
  • Pharmacists for a day: research into spontaneous medicinal herbs in the company's meadows and a small pharmaceutical laboratory for the preparation of natural cosmetic creams
  • The stereoscope: to see what cannot be seen with the naked eye (also use magnifying glasses)
  • Sensory analysis activities


  • Periods and duration of visits: All the year. Morning or full day visits.
  • Spaces: The company has large green spaces for games, educational activities, snacks and/or packed lunches and an equipped indoor and heated room
  • Reception capacity: Up to 50 people
  • Reservation: by telephone contact at the following numbers:
    Tel. +39 035 687 130 – Fax +39.035.687.121
    Roberta Testa 348 366 7218
    or via email
  • Cost
    €11 per student for half-day visits
    €15 per student for full day visits

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