
Limited Edition of Extrabrut protagonist at Expo

The limited edition with label in precious Swarovsky elements crystals of the 2009 vintage Extrabrut degli Angeli, winner of the 2014 Vinitaly Gold Medal, is the protagonist of the Coldiretti pavilion at the “No farmers No party” Expo.

A limited edition defined as "one of the most sought after traditional jewels of Italian agriculture", and entered into the TOP TEN of the most precious Made in Italy at the Expo, drawn up by the national Coldiretti. It will remain on permanent display for all the months of the Expo.

And that jewel, the Extrabrut degli Angeli, is such thanks above all to the history from which it comes, to a past made of research, tradition and a lot of passion; the same one that led Pierangelo Testa to found the Tenuta degli Angeli agricultural company in 1984 which today continues to live and grow thanks to "its women".

Pierangelo Testa was able to give a soul to a land which, due to its composition, exposure and microclimate, was ideal for growing vines. He took those immense potentials and cultivated them and made them grow with his expertise, his passion and his innate ability to listen to nature from which he was able to collect and create unique fruits and wines.

The Extrabrut degli Angeli 2009, gold medalist at Vinitaly 2014, is the latest fruit of the man-territory combination he achieved. That work, that passion and that professionalism have become the best legacy for her family who have been able to take the baton and achieve excellence in quality, through a search for detail so dear to Mrs. Manuela. A great team effort, all female, in which everyone continues to play their central role.
And precisely to thank that husband and that father who saw in a dream made of greenery and vines a possibility for his family and for the territory, this limited edition was dedicated to him, to Pierangelo Testa.
The result is more than a jewel: it is something that illuminates the senses like those crystals that embellish the bottle. The olfactory expression that the very fine perlage of Extrabrut solicits is the triumph of inebriating nuances as well as the persuasive caresses that the softness, the flavor, the right support of fresh acidity, the fullness and the long persistence give to the palate of those who taste it , surround the unattainable uniqueness and maximum qualitative expression of Extrabrut degli Angeli traditional method sparkling wine.

The bottle also caught the attention of Mediaset which dedicated footage and comments to this very precious "Jewel of taste" in Tg5 at 8pm on Sunday 12 July.