
Tenuta degli Angeli guest of Geo&Geo on Rai 3

The Tenuta degli Angeli agricultural company was the protagonist of the episode of Geo & Geo which aired on 6 January on Rai Tre starting at 3.50 pm.
During the very popular program hosted by Sveva Sagramola, the entrepreneurs Roberta Testa and her mother Manuela Ghidini told the story of their "female-run" company and presented their excellent productions, from award-winning wines to the very particular Balsamo degli Angeli, a food condiment produced in the only vinegar factory in Lombardy.

Above all, the bottles of the Extra Brut degli Angeli wine awarded with the gold medal at Vinitaly and those of the Balsamo degli Angeli aged for over 40 years with labels embellished with Swarovsky crystals were in the foreground. The very fine chocolates with a heart of Balsamo degli Angeli or Oro degli Angeli, the passito wine produced by the company, also took pride of place.
The appointment with Geo & Geo allowed the general public to get to know one of the excellences of Bergamo agriculture which well represents the Bergamo area and the ability of agricultural entrepreneurs to be innovative and open to the market.


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