Recipes and Pairings

The Balm of Angels

From a true passion, from the charm of ancient customs, from a careful selection of musts, in full respect of old age-old traditions, the wonderful "Balsamo degli Angeli" is born, a dispenser of ancient flavors and nuances.

Jealously cared for since 1972 in the attic of an ancient medieval tower, this food condiment is obtained from grape must cooked over a direct heat and matured through slow acetification.
Dark in colour, deep and shiny; It manifests its density in a correct, flowing syrupiness.
It has a characteristic and complex, penetrating aroma, with evident but pleasant and harmonious acidity.

It has a well-balanced sweet and sour flavour, it is generously full, savory, with velvety nuances, in accordance with its specific olfactory characteristics.
The Balsamo degli Angeli, a sweet and sour sauce with an exquisite flavor and delicious fragrance, produced with traditional techniques, is obtained from aromatic grape must cooked in an open jar and over direct heat.
The evolution of its fullness of aromas takes place in the quiet of the vinegar factory, in the attic, an ideal place for the maturation of the balsam of angels, because it is ventilated and undergoes the notable temperature changes of the seasons.

The small mulberry, ruby, cherry, chestnut, oak and ash barrels, of decreasing capacity, grouped in series, called batteries, are the maturation and refinement tools.
In fact, it is precisely in these barrels of precious woods that the balsam acetifies with extremely complex natural fermentative and oxidative processes.
The production of this wonderful condiment is slow, gradual and well controlled.

It is available in three types differentiated on the basis of the respective aging periods: Extravecchio (Gold Seal), Vecchio (Red Seal); Juvenile (Green Seal).